Sunday 9 March 2014

Making Easy Cheesy Eggy Bread

A. What was the recipe you chose and ‘why’?
I chose to make the Easy Cheesy Eggy Bread recipe, as I thought it sounded the most tasty. Not being a particularly good cook, I also wanted to start out with something easier.

B. Where did you buy your ingredients, how much did they cost, what is the country of origin of your ingredients?
I first went to a local, organic shop: The Housewives Choice Fruiters. I unfortunately couldn't find all of the ingredients here, but I did find the eggs. They were £1.20 and were from Shavington, Crewe, 84 miles away.

The chives were more difficult to find. I had to settle with buying them from Sainsburies. They were 80p. However, they came from Kenya, a staggering 6,5550 miles away! However, chives can be grown in the UK, so why are they being shipped from Kenya?!

Cheddar Cheese
I bought the cheddar cheese from Co-op. It was £2. The label said that it was British cheese, yet it did not specify which part of Britain.

Bread (Crusty Cob)
The bread I bought was made in Co-op, only 0.5 miles away from my house. It was £1.

C. Depending on which dish you chose to demo, it may be designed for one or more people. Try to guess at how much it cost per plate of food served.
I made the meal for two and we had a lot of ingredients left over.

3 medium eggs = 60p
Four chives = Roughly 5p
30g cheese = Roughly 30p
2 slices of bread = Roughly about 25p

Total per plate of food served: Roughly £1.20

D. Roughly how long did it take for you to make? Do you think if you attempted it again that it would take you as long?
It did not take that long to make this meal. Perhaps 15 minutes. Now that I know how to make it, I don't think it would take as long to make in the future.

E. If there were improvements to your recipe you’d thought of during your experiences then what would these be?
I actually thought this meal was very tasty. I could use different types of bread to change the taste. 

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